I think at this point it would be safe to say that Mr. Jacob Wesley Mason has had a busy month so far. And not all of this has been good, although praise God my son is no worse for the wear today, or at least as of the last time I saw him this morning!!
To start, my little man decided it was time to grow up on me. We bought Jacob a potty chair a few weeks ago, since he decided to start telling us that he went in his diaper. Ben and I took that as a clue that maybe, just maybe, we were approaching the time to start the dreaded potty training. Let's not even mention the fact that Mommy and Daddy have never done this before and have
no clue what we are doing. So we sat the chair in the bathroom. Jake, curious child that he is, follows me into the bathroom, and points to the potty. So what the heck, lets give it a whirl. I took his diaper off, sat him down, and turned the water on for inspiration. About thirty seconds later, little man's eyes go huge, and he stood up, and there it was, big as life.....pee-pee!! I'm a twenty-six year old grown woman, and there I was, clapping and screaming and laughing with my boy over urine. Only a parent can truly understand the excitement of urine in a potty chair, and the added joy of seeing the same task accomplished not one, not two, but
THREE times in one day!! Way to go, little man!!!!
Fast forward a few days, and we move on to Jacob's next first...stitches. I'm working in the ortho clinic, bored out of my mind because of the lack of patients, when my cell phone starts vibrating, which it
never does. I answer, and the first thing I hear is my mother saying, "Now I want you to listen to me, and not get upset. He's fine, but..." Immediately I began packing my stuff up, knowing that no matter what was said, I wouldn't like it and would be on my way out the door in a matter of minutes. Turns out my little man, being the adventurous dare devil he's become over the past few weeks, did a header over the side of our bed and landed on his forehead on our concrete and tile floor. Not a good thing. Ben took him to Franklin Square, and I met them there. By the time I got there, Jake was acting like himself, despite the bloody cut on his forehead. At first it didn't look bad, but when it was cleaned, it was clear that it was much deeper than I thought at first. Actually, it needed about three stitched to close. After an endless 4 hour hospital trip, during which my heart broke as I held my crying, pitiful-looking little man down while a doctor sewed his forehead shut, my son was the proud owner of what I fear may be the first of many stitches he'll have throughout his childhood. Call it a mother's instinct, but I don't think we've seen the end of the emergency room!
Which brings us back to another first...Jacob finally got a toddler bed. Or should I say Big Boy Bed, complete with spiffy Yo-Gabba-Gabba sheets. Despite the fact that he's only 19 months old, after our trip to the ER I couldn't get the image of him going over the side of the crib out of my head. Not worth the risk. So now we're working on sleeping in the Big Boy Bed. The past two nights have been successful, if you can discount rolling out of said Big Boy Bed in your sleep and waking up screaming. Otherwise, we're getting along marvolously!
Just seems like we're only half way through November, and already it's been a very eventful month, during which my son is trying to show that he is either a.) growing up on me; or b.) trying to drive me to drink from worry over him.
Oh, Little Man....